9.5+/- acres being offered for sale as 3 lots of land that can be bought together or separately. The highest and best use would be single family residential development. These building lots are located in Winston Salem, Forsyth County with public sewer, water, and power available privately located off of a dead-end, paved public road. Lots are ready to be built upon, and are covered in 100+ year old hardwood forest and long range views of the Muddy Creek valley.
Property Video
(play full screen for best quality)
Single Family Residential, SFR Development
Parcel Information & Price
Tax Parcel ID Number(s) | Size (ac) | Price | Status | |
Lot #1 | portion of 6807-25-1829 | 1.63 | $99,000 | Closed |
Lot #2 | portion of 6807-25-1829 | 1.46 | $119,000 | Closed |
Lot #3 | 6807-15-6860 | 6.45 | $159,000 | Closed |
Property Features
- 9.54 total acres
- Gradual to steep sloping lots providing options for multiple foundation types
- 3 surveyed lots ranging in size from 1.46 to 6.45 acres
- Private, paved, dead end state maintained road access
- Electricity available
- Public sewer
- Public water available
- RS 9 Zoned
- 8 mile drive to downtown Winston Salem, Wake Forest and Forsyth Hospital
- 24 minute drive to Pilot Mountain State Park
- 25 minute drive to Kernersville
- 35 minute drive to Greensboro
Property Maps & Disclosures
- Aerial Photo
- Aerial Photo 2
- Topography Map
- Aerial & Topo Map
- Survey
- Restrictive Covenants
- Joint Driveway Agreement
- Amendment to Easement
- Public Utilities Map
- Location Map
- Location Map 2
- Google Street Map
Directions & Coordinates
From Shattalon Dr., take Poindexter Ave 0.7 miles until it dead ends at property at paved cul-de-sac. From here, use shared gravel driveway to the right to access lot 1, 2 & 3. Use interactive map located above to help navigate property.
36.14834951982978, -80.34818269266555

336-416-6384, cell
Information taken from reliable sources and thought to be correct. Potential buyers should perform their own due diligence and verify all information.
9.5 Acres Winston Salem, NC