15.6 unrestricted acres located outside of Oxford in Granville County, NC covered entirely by a mixture of both young and mature hardwood and loblolly pine on gentle sloping terrain, double creek frontage on Johnson Creek, and soils that typically support septic systems – soils evaluation is underway and expected to be completed by April 2025. 378′ paved public road frontage and low county taxes. With no deed restrictions, mobile and modular homes are OK, and option to further subdivide. 6 miles to public boat launch at Kerr Scott Lake and 15 minute drive to Oxford, NC
Property Video
(play full screen for best quality)
Single Family Residential, Mini-Farm, Timber, Recreation
Parcel Information & Price
Tax Parcel ID Number | Size (acres) | Price | Status |
32945 | 15.6 | $99,000 | Temp Off Market |
Property Features
- 15.6 acres
- No deed restrictions
- Mobile and modular homes OK
- Soils that typically perc (soils evaluation underway)
- Quiet country setting
- 378 feet paved public road frontage
- Double frontage on Johnson Creek
- Young and mature hardwood and pine forest
- Low county 0.7% property taxes
- 6 miles to John H. Kerr Reservoir boat launch at Grassy Creek Park
- 15 minute drive to Oxford, NC
- 22 minutes to Mayo Lake boat launch at Triple Springs Access Area
- 45 minute drive to Durham, NC
Property Maps & Attachments (click links below)
Directions & Coordinates
From Dalton Mill Road, take Robert Morgan Road north 1.3 miles and property will be on left. Land is located beside and behind neighbor’s address: 9033 Robert Morgan Rd, Oxford, NC, 27565 Use interactive map (link above) from your smartphone in order to navigate the property
Coordinates 36.502, -78.658
Property Photographs

Information taken from reliable sources and thought to be correct. Potential buyers should perform their own due diligence and verify all information.
15.6 acres Granville County, NC